Dear Friends,

First I apologise for not getting a letter written to you all at the end of 2013. It just never happened though we received many. Thanks for writing.

Ellen and I are still at Cargo, and Andrew has been with us also since about September last year. We produced about 150 l of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in May so put in your order.

Arthur is continuing to support and develop ASReml. This is supported by 2 days a week appointment as Senior Research Fellow with the University of Wollongong, and some private consulting. It has resulted in trips to China, UK and USA in the last 12 months.

We continue to support some contacts in Bangladesh seeking to encourage believers to live as Jesus teaches us. That is a very large and poor country which is 87% M, 12% H. But with such a large population, that still leaves many in the various minority groups.

There was some tension in our assembly in Orange last year resulting in 6 choosing to leave and establish their own fellowship. We commit them to the Lord who is greater than all.

The Christian Community Radio station is continuing albiet with minimal staff. I am trusting the Lord will raise up suitable people to revitalise this opportunity to minister to our community. In addition to the daily morning reading, I have added a Bible Story Spot which plays morning and afternoon. It runs 2-3 minutes simply relating a story from the Bible, but in a systematic way so regular listerers will get the bigger picture. God has communicated with us through the (HI)story of of men and women who trusted and who doubted God. We need to pass on that (HI)story.

Ellen regularly trots off to see the grandchildren, in Newcastle and in LaTrobe. Lois is living in Newtown.

You can contact us on Skype, email and facebook.

Arthur and Ellen Gilmour

1 August 2013