Η ιστορία των παιδικών μουσείων στην Ευρώπη και στον κόσμο Messages postés 4108 Date dinscription mercredi 11 mars 2009 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2012 447 You have reached your viewing limit for this book. Le virtuel a créé une nouvelle forme de proximité qui favorise lapparition de communautés virtuelles. Celles-ci créent des. On distingue : les communautés de pratiques où lattention est portée sur le partage et lapprentissage de nouvelles façons de faire, et les communautés épistémiques, dont lobjectif est lacquisition de nouvelles connaissances. No general or specific conditions included in the documents sent or supplied by the parties could be integrated in the present terms and conditions 24. Proof convention These Terms may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the creation of an Account or to the purchase of a Subscription by the Member is the one in effect on the Website at the date of creation of the Account or Subscription 5. Opposability The members confirm having received all necessary documentation on the proposed services and subscriptions from 2L Multimedia and Société Toulousaine de Télématique and comply without restriction to the present service terms and conditions. This data may be communicated by 2L Multimedia to Société Toulousaine de Télématique with the sole purpose of providing Quality Services. The Member expressly agrees to this communication.
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