47 LogL= 557.211 S2= 0.40566E-03 1292 df : 2 components restrained 48 LogL= 557.215 S2= 0.25724E-04 1292 df : 2 components restrained 49 LogL= 557.211 S2= 0.40566E-03 1292 df : 2 components restrained 50 LogL= 557.215 S2= 0.25724E-04 1292 df : 2 components restrained Final parameter values 292.46 692.01 1.0000
Iteration 1 42 43 44 45 46 LogL 460.122 557.215 557.211 557.215 557.211 557.215 Change % 64 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted 0 2 2 2 2 2 StepSz 0.141 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 9 G 0.10 4624.20 292.46 4624.20 292.46 4624.20 1481.1 10 G 0.10 10941.70 692.01 10941.70 692.01 10941.70 1481.1ASReml keeps deciding the parameters are trying to change too much and restrains them in a way that leads to oscillating between two solutions near the boundary of the parameter space. I suspect this is happening for you as well.